Indexer endpoints for your protocol
We provide indexer endpoints tailored for high-throughput and low-latency protocols. For example, we operate the Econia orderbook indexer which is used by the Aptos Defi frontends and market makers.
Plan out the details of the nodes you want to deploy, such as the protocol and the node type.
Contact us
After you decide on the option that you want, contact us and let us know.
Discuss with Nodeinfra
Within 1-2 business days, our Nodeinfra team member will closely work with you. Finalize details and your node is now yours.
Interested? Nodeinfra will help you.
If you are interested in deploying your node with us, please let us know, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Nodeinfra support team is happy to assist you in any way possible. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our node expert.
We support many different protocols. If interested, explore our options and deploy your node today.